First Form Of Universal Protective Equipment
Designed Specifically For The Bucket Truck



We are proud to introduce the Knuckle Gut

The newest innovation in safety

People in the line industry know the risk of an energized truck and how dangerous energized conductors can be. For this reason, many companies require their workers to cover up any and all potentials or secondary points of contact when working on energized lines. While these are good practices to have in place, it does not solve the issue of having a massive piece of metal flying around energized conductors with no cover on it. Because of its point of articulation, size and movement abilities its often times not practical to cover up any and all potentials that the knuckle of a truck can reach on a job site. When a truck becomes energized not only can it cause catastrophic damage to the equipment, but it can also be fatal to anyone in the near vicinity. These kinds of accidents cost companies millions, and they can cost workers their lives. The Knuckle Gut is essentially a pair of gloves and sleeves for your truck that ensures not only a safer work environment, but also greater peace of mind for the worker and the utility.

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Contact us about The KNuckle Gut

Interested on having the Knuckle Gut on your trucks? Use the contact form here, we'd love to talk to you. 


Thanks to the newly patented Knuckle Gut, workers can focus on the task at hand while knowing their safety is assured.

Watch our video for more information

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INcreased Isolation

Bucket trucks are often equipped with a fiberglass isolation point that is supposed to keep the truck from acting as a ground. However, this isolation point does not protect against a scenario where a lineman gets his knuckle across multiple phases at once, or when a lineman pushes one phase into another with the knuckle of his truck. Furthermore, this isolation point can fail due to a number of reasons such as breakdown of the boom, or tracking due to dirt grease or water. The Knuckle Gut provides isolation for the metal portion of the boom that is most likely to come into contact with energized conductors. This greatly mitigates the chances of an energized truck. 

increased visibility

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Not only does the Knuckle Gut insulate the boom, but it increases visibility of the boom for the men in the bucket as well as on the ground. Being an observer on the ground, it may be difficult to watch the knuckle and the men in the bucket at the same time. Often this is due to the fact that when the men in the bucket are moving, so is the knuckle of the truck. Watching these two things at once may be overwhelming to a qualified observer. The bright orange color of the Knuckle Gut makes it easier for a qualified observer to see out of their peripheral vision which increases focus for the observer on the ground. 

Eliminate Human Error

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Accidents are described as unplanned events. They are normally 2% act of God, 10% equipment failure, and 88% human failure. The Knuckle Gut helps take human error out of the equation, and in doing so, provides a safer work environment. As an industry, our number one goal should be a accident free work place. The Knuckle Gut helps make this possible. Contact us today, because one accident is one too many.